Instrument details

Instrument Title

Condom Attitude Scale (CAS)

View PDF - Condom Attitude Scale_Sacco.pdf

Source Article

Sacco, W. P., Levine, B., Reed, D. L., & Thompson, K. (1991). Attitudes about condom use as an AIDS-relevant behavior: Their factor structure and relation to condom use. Psychological Assessment, 3(2), 265-272.

Response Options

0-6, strongly disagree to strongly agree

Survey Items

  1. If my partner suggested using a condom, I would feel grateful.
  2. I’d only use a condom if one was available.
  3. People who use condoms are “wimps”.
  4. Condoms reduce the spontaneity of sex.
  5. Using a condom takes the “wonder” out of sex.
  6. I am concerned about catching AIDS or some other sexually transmitted disease.
  7. A condom should be used when one’s partner is a woman who has had sex with a bisexual male.
  8. A condom is not necessary when you and your partner are monogamous.
  9. A condom should be used when you don’t know your partner too well.
  10. Condoms are messy.
  11. I dislike condoms because they decrease sensitivity during intercourse.
  12. If a condom is not handy, I’ll have sexual intercourse anyway.
  13. A condom should be used when you have anal sex.
  14. I’m concerned about catching AIDS (or other sexually transmitted diseases), so I’d be careful and play it safe even in the heat of the moment.
  15. A condom is not necessary when you know enough about the person to trust his/her word about his/her past.
  16. I’d be embarrassed to buy condoms.
  17. A condom is not necessary when you plan to marry the person.
  18. Using condoms would show my partner I cared about his/her welfare.
  19. Condoms are a hassle to use.

Internal Reliability

Cronbach's alpha = 0.91, test retest reliability = 0.86.


Criterion related validity

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Sacco, W. P., Levine, B., Reed, D. L., & Thompson, K. (1991). Attitudes about condom use as an AIDS-relevant behavior: Their factor structure and relation to condom use. Psychological Assessment, 3(2), 265-272.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.