Instrument details

Instrument Title

Lauby Self-Efficacy for Condom Use (with main partner, with other partners)

View PDF - Lauby Self-Efficacy for Condom Use_Lauby.pdf

Source Article

Lauby, J. L., Semaan, S., Cohen, A., Leviton, L., Gielen, A., Pulley, L. V., et al. (1998). Self-efficacy, decisional balance and stages of change for condom use among women at risk for HIV infection. Health Education Research, 13(3), 343-356.

Response Options

5-point scale: 5 = very sure she could; 4 = somewhat sure she could; 3 = don't know/not sure; 2 = somewhat sure she couldn't; and 1 = very sure she couldn't.

Survey Items

Scale item: 'How confident are you that you could use...'

Birth control use

  1. If you didn't have it with you
  2. If you had been using alcohol or drugs
  3. If your partner got angry about it
Condom use with main partner
  1. If you had been using alcohol or drugs
  2. If you were really turned on
  3. If your partner might get angry or upset
Condom use with other partners
  1. If you had been using alcohol or drugs
  2. If you were really turned on
  3. If you didn't have condoms with you
  4. If the man might get angry or upset

Internal Reliability

Condom use with main partner - alpha = 0.8; condom use with other partners - alpha = 0.84


Validity information was not available.

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Lauby, J. L., Semaan, S., Cohen, A., Leviton, L., Gielen, A., Pulley, L. V., et al. (1998). Self-efficacy, decisional balance and stages of change for condom use among women at risk for HIV infection. Health Education Research, 13(3), 343-356.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.