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Instrument Title

HIV-related stigma scales used in Southern India

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Source Article

Steward, W. T., Herek, G. M., Ramakrishna, J., Bharat, S., Chandy, S., Wrubel, J., et al. (2008). HIV-related stigma: Adapting a theoretical framework for use in india. Social Science & Medicine, 67(8), 1225-1235.

Response Options

Questions 1-10: YES=1 or NO=0 Questions 11-20:0=never, 1= rarely, 2= sometimes, 3=frequently Question 21-30: 0=no one, 1=mostly no one, 2= some people, 3=most people Questions 21-40: 0=not at all, 1=a little, 2=somewhat, 3=a great deal

Survey Items

Enacted Stigma Index

  1. Has a hospital worker mistreated you because of your HIV?
  2. Have people looked at you differently because you have HIV?
  3. Has a healthcare worker not wanted to touch you because you have HIV?
  4. Have you been told not to share your food or utensils with family because of your HIV?
  5. Have you been asked not to touch or care for children because of your HIV?
  6. Have you been refused medical care or denied hospital service because of your HIV?
  7. Have family members forced you to move out of your home because you have HIV?
  8. Has a hospital worker made your HIV infection publicly known by marking HIV on your medical record?
  9. Has someone threatened to hurt you physically because you have HIV?
  10. Have you been refused housing because people suspect you have HIV?

  11. Vicarious Stigma
  12. How often have you heard stories about a healthcare worker not wanting to touch someone because of their HIV?
  13. How often have you heard stories about people being mistreated by hospital workers because of their HIV?
  14. How often have you heard stories about people being refused medical care or denied hospital services because of their HIV?
  15. How often have you heard stories about a healthcare provider talking publicly about a patient with HIV?
  16. How often have you heard stories about someone being refused care from their family when they were sick with HIV?
  17. How often have you heard stories about people being forced by family members to leave their home because they had HIV?
  18. How often have you heard stories about a hospital worker making someone’s HIV infection publicly known by marking HIV on their medical records?
  19. How often have you heard stories about families avoiding any relative who has HIV?
  20. How often have you heard stories about people looking differently at those who have HIV?
  21. How often have you heard stories about a village/community ostracizing someone because they had HIV?

  22. Felt Normative Stigma Scale
  23. In your community how many mothers would not want someone with HIV to hold their baby?
  24. In your community how many mothers would not want an HIV-infected person to feed their child?
  25. In your community how many people would not share dishes or glasses with someone who has HIV?
  26. In your community how many people think that HIV-infected people have brought shame on their families?
  27. In your community how many people avoid visiting the homes of people with HIV?
  28. In your community how many people think that if you have HIV you have done wrong behaviors?
  29. In your community how many people would not want an HIV-infected person cooking for them?
  30. In your community how many people think that people with HIV should feel guilty about it?
  31. In your community how many people think that a person with HIV is disgusting?
  32. In your community how many people think people with HIV are paying for their karma or sins?

  33. Internalized Stigma Scale
  34. How much do you feel that you should avoid holding a new infant because of your HIV?
  35. How much do you feel that you should avoid feeding children because you have HIV?
  36. How much do you feel that you should avoid sharing dishes or glasses just in case someone might catch HIV from you?
  37. How much do you feel that you have brought shame to your family because you have HIV?
  38. How much do you feel that you should avoid visiting people because you have HIV?
  39. How much do you feel that you have HIV because you have done wrong behaviors?
  40. How much do you feel that you should avoid cooking for people because you have HIV?
  41. How much do you feel guilty about having HIV?
  42. How much do you feel disgusting because of your HIV?
  43. How much do you feel that you are paying for karma or sins because you have HIV?

Internal Reliability

"The final 10-item versions of the scales all demonstrated acceptable reliability (vicarious stigma scale: alpha 0.88; felt normative stigma scale: alpha 0.94; internalized stigma scale: alpha 0.83)."


"Greater levels of depression were associated with felt normative, internalized, and enacted stigma, but not with vicarious stigma. Furthermore, the use of disclosure-avoidance techniques was associated positively with all forms of stigma, as well as with depression."

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Steward, W. T., Herek, G. M., Ramakrishna, J., Bharat, S., Chandy, S., Wrubel, J., et al. (2008). HIV-related stigma: Adapting a theoretical framework for use in india. Social Science & Medicine, 67(8), 1225-1235.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.