Instrument details

Instrument Title

The Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HARS)

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Source Article

Hamilton, M. (1959). The assessment of anxiety states by rating. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 32, 50-55.

Response Options

None = 0, Mild = 1, Moderate = 2, Severe = 3, Severe, Grossly Disabling = 4

Survey Items

1. Anxious
Worries, anticipation of the worst, fearful anticipation, irritability

2. Tension
Feelings of tension, fatigability, startle response, moved to tears easily, trembling, feelings of restlessness, inability to relax

3. Fears
Of dark, of strangers, of being left alone, of animals, of traffic, of crowds

4. Insomnia
Difficulty in falling asleep, broken sleep, unsatisfying sleep and fatigue on waking, dreams, nightmares, night terrors

5. Intellectual (cognitive)
Difficulty in concentration, poor memory

6. Depressed Mood
Loss of interest, lack of pleasure in hobbies, depression, early waking, diurnal swing

7. Somatic (muscular)
Pains and aches, twitching, stiffness, myoclonic jerks, grinding of teeth, unsteady voice, increased muscular tone

8. Somatic (sensory)
Tinnitus, blurring of vision, hot and cold flushes, feelings of weakness, pricking sensation

9. Cardiovascular Symptoms
Tachycardia, palpitations, pain in chest, throbbing of vessels, fainting feelings, missing beat

10. Respiratory Symptoms
Pressure or constriction in chest, choking feelings, sighing, dyspnea

11. Gastrointestinal Symptoms
Difficulty in swallowing, wind, abdominal pain, burning sensations, abdominal fullness, nausea, vomiting, borborygmi, looseness of bowels, loss of weight, constipation

12. Genitourinary Symptoms
Frequency of micturition, urgency of micturition, amenorrhea, menorrhagia, development of frigidity, premature ejaculation, loss of libido, impotence

13. Autonomic Symptoms
Dry mouth, flushing, pallor, tendency to sweat, giddiness, tension headache, raising of hair

14. Behavior at Interview
Fidgeting, restlessness or pacing, tremor of hands, furrowed brow, strained face, sighing or rapid respiration, facial pallor, swallowing, belching, brisk tendon jerks, dilated pupils, exophthalmos

Internal Reliability

Reliability information was not available.


Validity information was not available.

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Hamilton, M. (1959). The assessment of anxiety states by rating. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 32, 50-55.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.