Instrument details

Instrument Title

LAAS: Legal and Administrative Aggression Scale

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Source Article

Hines, D. A., Douglas, E. M., & Berger, J. L. (2015). A self-report measure of legal and administrative aggression within intimate relationships. Aggressive Behavior, 41, 295-309.

Response Options

Threatened LA aggression was measured using a Likert scale: (0) Never happened, (1) 1 time in previous year, (2) 2 times in previous year; (3) 3-5 times in previous year, (4) 6-10 times in the previous year, (5) 11-20 times in the previous year, (6) more than 20 times in the previous year, (7) Did not happen in previous year, but happened before.

Actual LA Aggression subscale: (1) Yes or (0) No, for whether each act actually happened

Survey Items

Use the standard instructions from the CTS2 (Straus et al., 1996) which asks participants to indicate how often they and their partner did each of the following:

  1. Threatened to make false accusations to authorities that the partner physically or sexually abused the other
  2. Threatened to make false accusations to authorities that the partner physically or sexually abused the children
  3. Threatened to leave and take the children away
  4. Threatened to leave and take all the money and possessions
  5. Threatened to ruin the partner’s reputation at work
  6. Threatened to ruin the partner’s reputation in the community
Indicate if you and your partner actually engaged in the following acts:
  1. Make false accusations to authorities that the partner physically or sexually abused the other
  2. Make false accusations to authorities that the partner physically or sexually abused the children
  3. Leave and take the children away
  4. Leave and take all the money and possessions
  5. Ruin the partner’s reputation at work
  6. Ruin the partner’s reputation in the community

Internal Reliability

Population-based sample: perpetration of threatened LA aggression: Cronbach’s α= .89, Population-based sample: victimization of threatened LA aggression: Cronbach’s α= .89, Victims sample: perpetration of threatened LA aggression: Cronbach’s α= .47, Victims sample: victimization of threatened LA aggression: Cronbach’s α= .89


Construct Validity, Concurrent Validity, and Criterion Validity

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Hines, D. A., Douglas, E. M., & Berger, J. L. (2015). A self-report measure of legal and administrative aggression within intimate relationships. Aggressive Behavior, 41, 295-309.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.