Instrument details

Instrument Title

Jahromi's Measure of Domestic Violence Against Women

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Source Article

Jahromi, M. K., Jamali, S., Koshkaki, A. R., & Javadpour, S. (2016). Prevalence and risk factors of domestic violence against women by their husbands in Iran. Global journal of health science, 8(5), 175.

Response Options

The number of violence cases was determined using a 7-option Likert scale (never, once, twice, 3-5 times, 6-10 times, 11-20 times, and more than 20 times).

Survey Items

The questionnaire consists of three domains of violence: Physical, sexual and emotional. Physical domain of this questionnaire includes: slapping, kicking, boxing, pulling the hair, pinching the ear, Stretching on the floor, throwing sharp object to the body, throwing non sharp object to the body, pushing, tying hands and feet, trying to strangle, biting, burning the organ. Sexual domain of this questionnaire include: sexual intercourse without consent of woman, initiate the sexual intercourse after verbal threats, physical abuse to continue the sexual relationship, sexual intercourse after threatening by a tool, interrupting the sexual relationship without female satisfaction, physical abuse during sexual relationship, continuing the sexual intercourse without female consent, applying force to continue the sexual relationship, and emotional domain includes: vilification, mocking and derision, lying, shouting, huffing, threatening to beat, rejecting, preventing from visiting family, financial restriction, deprivation of wearing the favorite cloths, deprivation of affection and attention, Irresponsibility towards children, having ban on watching television, threatening to kill, threatening to imprison at home.

Internal Reliability

Cronbach’s α= 0.91


Content validity

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Jahromi, M. K., Jamali, S., Koshkaki, A. R., & Javadpour, S. (2016). Prevalence and risk factors of domestic violence against women by their husbands in Iran. Global journal of health science, 8(5), 175.

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