Instrument details

Instrument Title

12-item Short HIV Stigma Scale

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Source Article

Reinius, M., Wettergren, L., Wiklander, M., Svedhem, V., Ekström, A. M., & Eriksson, L. E. (2017). Development of a 12-item short version of the HIV stigma scale. Health and quality of life outcomes, 15(1), 115.

Response Options

4-point Likert scale (1=strongly disagree to 4=strongly agree)

Survey Items

This first set of questions asks about some of your experiences, feelings, and opinions as to how people with HIV feel and how they are treated. Please do your best to answer each question.

  1. I feel guilty because I have HIV
  2. People’s attitudes about HIV make me feel worse about myself
  3. Telling someone I have HIV is risky
  4. I work hard to keep my HIV a secret
  5. I feel I am not as good a person as others because I have HIV
  6. People with HIV are treated like outcasts
  7. Most people believe that a person who has HIV is dirty
  8. I am very careful who I tell that I have HIV
  9. Most people are uncomfortable around someone with HIV

The items in this next section assume that you have told other people that you have HIV, or that others know. This may not be true for you. If the item refers to something that has not actually happened to you, please imagine yourself in that situation. Then give your answer ("strongly disagree," "disagree," "agree," "strongly agree") based on how you think you would feel or how you think others would react to you.

  1. Some people avoid touching me once they know I have HIV
  2. People I care about stopped calling after learning I have HIV
  3. I have lost friends by telling them I have HIV
  4. Internal Reliability

    Cronbach’s α=0.88 (personalized stigma); 0.84 (disclosure concerns); 0.81 (concerns about public attitudes); 0.80 (negative self-image)


    Construct Validity

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    Terms Of Use

    Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

    Reinius, M., Wettergren, L., Wiklander, M., Svedhem, V., Ekström, A. M., & Eriksson, L. E. (2017). Development of a 12-item short version of the HIV stigma scale. Health and quality of life outcomes, 15(1), 115.

    When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.