Instrument details

Instrument Title

Measuring HIV Stigma and Discrimination among Health Facility Staff: Standardized Brief Questionnaire

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Source Article

Health Policy Project. 2013. “Measuring HIV Stigma and Discrimination Among Health Facility Staff: Standardized Brief Questionnaire.” Washington, DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project.

Response Options

Responses varied by question (Not worried to Very worried; Yes/No; Never to Most of the time; No hesitant to Very hesitant; Strongly Agree to Strongly Disagree)

Survey Items

Section 1: Background Information
First we will ask you about your background.

  1. How old were you at your last birthday?
  2. What is your sex?
  3. What is your current job?
  4. How many years have you been working in healthcare?
  5. Have you ever worked in a clinical/hospital/department that specialized in HIV care and treatment?
  6. If low prevalence use question 6a. If high prevalence use question 6b.
  7. a. In the past 12 months, approximately how many HIV-positive patients did you provide with care or services?
    b. In a typical week, approximately how many HIV-positive patients did you provide with care or services?
  8. Did you ever receive training in the following subjects? (Check all that apply.)
  9. a. HIV stigma and discrimination
    b. Infection control and universal precautions (including post-exposure prophylaxis)
    c. Patients’ informed consent, privacy, and confidentiality
    d. Key population stigma and discrimination

    Section 2: Infection Control
    Now we will ask you about infection concerns in your health facility.

  10. If low prevalence use question 8a. If high prevalence use question 8b.
  11. a. How worried would you be about getting HIV if you did the following? If any of the following is not one of your job responsibilities, please select “Not applicable.”
    i. Touched the clothing or bedding of a patient living with HIV
    ii. Dressed the wounds of a patient living with HIV
    iii. Drew blood from a patient living with HIV
    iv. Took the temperature of a patient living with HIV
    b. How worried would you be about getting HIV if you did the following? If any of the following is not one of your job responsibilities, please select “Not applicable.”
    i. Touched the clothing or bedding of a patient living with HIV
    ii. Dressed the wounds of a patient living with HIV
    iii. Drew blood from a patient living with HIV
    iv. Took the temperature of a patient living with HIV
  12. Do you typically use any of the following measures when providing care or services for a patient living with HIV?
  13. a. Avoid physical contact
    b. Wear double gloves
    c. Wear gloves during all aspects of the patient's care
    d. Use any special infection-control measures with patients living with HIV that you do not use with other patients

    Section 3: Health Facility Environment
    Now we will ask about practices in your health facility and your experiences working in a facility that provides care to people living with HIV.

  14. In the past 12 months have you seen a person living with HIV in your health facility?
  15. a. Yes – go to question 11
    b. No – skip to question 12
    c. Don’t know – skip to question 12
  16. In the past 12 months, how often have you observed the following in your health facility?
  17. a. Healthcare workers unwilling to care for a patient living with or thought to be living with HIV
    b. Healthcare workers providing poorer quality of care to a patient living with or thought to be living with HIV than to other patients
    c. Healthcare workers talking badly about people living with or thought to be living with HIV
  18. If low prevalence use question 12a. If higher prevalence use question 12b.
  19. a. How worried are you about:
    i. People talking badly about you because you care for patients living with HIV?
    ii. Friends or family avoiding you because you care for patients living with HIV?
    iii. Colleagues avoiding you because of your work caring for patients living with HIV?
    b. In the past 12 months, how often have you:
    i. Experienced people talking badly about your because you care for patients living with HIV?
    ii. Been avoided by friends and family because you care for patients living with HIV?
    iii. Been avoided by colleagues because of your work caring for patients living with HIV?
  20. How hesitant are healthcare workers in this facility to work alongside a co-working living with HIV, regardless of their duties?
  21. Section 4: Health Facility Policies
    Now we are going to ask about the institutional policy and work environment in your facility.

  22. In my facility it is not acceptable to test a patient for HIV without their knowledge.
  23. I will get in trouble at work if I discriminate against patients living with HIV.
  24. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements?
  25. a. There are adequate supplies in my health facility that reduce my risk of becoming infected with HIV.
    b. There are standardized procedures/protocols in my health facility that reduce my risk of becoming infected with HIV.
  26. My health facility has written guidelines to protect patients living with HIV from discrimination.
  27. Section 5: Opinions About People Living with HIV
    Now we are going to ask about opinions related to people living with HIV.

  28. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements?
  29. a. Most people living with HIV do not care if they infect other people.
    b. People living with HIV should feel ashamed of themselves.
    c. Most people living with HIV have had many sexual partners.
    d. People get infected with HIV because they engage in irresponsible behaviors.
    e. HIV is a punishment for bad behavior.
  30. Women living with HIV should be allowed to have babies if they wish.
  31. Please tell us if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement:
  32. a. If I had a choice, I would prefer not to provide services to people who inject illegal drugs.
    i. Strongly Agree – go to question 20b
    ii. Agree – go to question 20b
    iii. Disagree – skip to question 21
    iv. Strongly Disagree – skip to question 21
    b. I prefer not to provide services to people who inject illegal drugs because (check all reasons that apply):
    i. They put be at higher risk for disease.
    ii. Their group engages in immoral behavior.
    iii. I have not received training to work with this group.
  33. Please tell us if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement:
  34. a. If I had a choice, I would prefer not to provide services to men who have sex with men.
    i. Strongly Agree – go to question 21b
    ii. Agree – go to question 21b
    iii. Disagree – skip to question 22
    iv. Strongly Disagree – skip to question 22
    b. I prefer not to provide services to men who have sex with men because (check all reasons that apply):
    i. They put be at higher risk for disease.
    ii. Their group engages in immoral behavior.
    iii. I have not received training to work with this group.
  35. Please tell us if you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statement:
  36. a. If I had a choice, I would prefer not to provide services to sex workers (specify: male or female or both, depending on context).
    i. Strongly Agree – go to question 22b
    ii. Agree – go to question 22b
    iii. Disagree – skip to question 23
    iv. Strongly Disagree – skip to question 23
    b. I prefer not to provide services to men who have sex with men because (check all reasons that apply):
    i. They put be at higher risk for disease.
    ii. Their group engages in immoral behavior.
    iii. I have not received training to work with this group.

    Module 1: Antenatal Care, Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission, and Labor and Delivery Wards
    The following section is to be completed by service providers who work with pregnant women in antenatal care, prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV, and in labor and delivery rooms. If you do not work in one of these areas, you have completed the questionnaire.

  37. How worried are you about assisting in labor and delivery if the woman is living with HIV?
  38. In the past 12 months, how often have you observed other healthcare providers:
  39. a. Performing an HIV test on a pregnant woman without her informed consent?
    b. Neglecting a woman living with HIV during labor and delivery because of her HIV status?
    c. Using additional infection-control procedures (e.g., double gloves) with a pregnant woman living with HIV during labor and delivery because of her HIV status?
    d. Disclosing the status of a pregnant woman living with HIV to others without her consent?
    e. Making HIV treatment for a woman living with HIV conditional on her use of family planning methods?
  40. Do you strongly agree, agree, disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements?
  41. a. If a pregnant woman is HIV positive, her family as the right to know.
    b. Pregnant women who refuse HIV testing are irresponsible.
    c. Women living with HIV should not get pregnant if they already have children.
    d. It can be appropriate to sterilize a woman living with HIV, even if this is not her choice.

    Internal Reliability

    Cronbach’s α=0.754


    Validity information was not available.

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    Terms Of Use

    Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

    Health Policy Project. 2013. “Measuring HIV Stigma and Discrimination Among Health Facility Staff: Standardized Brief Questionnaire.” Washington, DC: Futures Group, Health Policy Project.

    When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.