Instrument details

Instrument Title

WMM Cultural Stigma Scale for Women with HIV in Botswana (WMM-WLHIV-BW)

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Source Article

Yang, L. H., Ho-Foster, A. R., Becker, T. D., Misra, S., Rampa, S., Poku, O. B., Entaile, P., Goodman, M., & Blank, M. B. (2021). Psychometric Validation of a Scale to Assess Culturally-Salient Aspects of HIV Stigma Among Women Living with HIV in Botswana: Engaging "What Matters Most" to Resist Stigma. AIDS and behavior, 25(2), 459–474.

Response Options

4-point scale (1=strongly disagree to 4 = strongly agree)

Survey Items

Cultural Factors Shape

  1. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV is not a devout Christian.
  2. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV got HIV because she was promiscuous to get money.
  3. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV will not be seen as a respectful wife.
  4. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV is unable to take care of her children.
  5. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV does not have the ability to properly take care of her home.
  6. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV is not a reliable foundation for her family.
  7. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV has not been raised by her family to be disciplined and respectful.
  8. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV does not respect herself.
  9. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV was promiscuous before marriage.
  10. Most Batswana believe the community will gossip a lot about a woman with HIV.
  11. Cultural Capacities Protect

  12. Most Batswana believe that a woman with HIV who is a God-fearing woman will not feel ashamed about her HIV status.
  13. Most Batswana believe a woman with HIV who has a man who can provide for her will be respected by others.
  14. Most Batswana believe that an employed woman with HIV who provides for the family should be respected.
  15. Most Batswana will not look down on a woman with HIV who is loyal to her husband.
  16. Most Batswana will not look down on a woman with HIV who has children.
  17. Most Batswana respect a woman with HIV who raises successful children.
  18. Most Batswana will respect a woman with HIV who properly cares for her husband.
  19. Most Batswana respect a woman with HIV who takes care of herself and looks attractive.
  20. Most Batswana would give Botho to a woman with HIV who treats others with Botho.
  21. Most Batswana will respect a woman with HIV who looks healthy and attractive.

Internal Reliability

Cronbach’s α=0.90


Construct, content, and convergent validity

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Terms Of Use

Individuals may use this information for research or educational purposes only and may not use this information for commercial purposes. When using this instrument, please cite:

Yang, L. H., Ho-Foster, A. R., Becker, T. D., Misra, S., Rampa, S., Poku, O. B., Entaile, P., Goodman, M., & Blank, M. B. (2021). Psychometric Validation of a Scale to Assess Culturally-Salient Aspects of HIV Stigma Among Women Living with HIV in Botswana: Engaging "What Matters Most" to Resist Stigma. AIDS and behavior, 25(2), 459–474.

When presenting results using any survey information you obtained from the SABI, please acknowledge the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Center for AIDS Research (CFAR), an NIH funded program P30 AI50410.