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Stigma — This domain is scheduled to be updated summer 2022


Domain Sub-Domain Instrument Name Description Citation (Authors) Language/
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV ⁄AIDS - related stigma scale in a developing world context Two sub-scales associated with both tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS stigma: community (11 items) and patient perspectives (10 items). Participants rated whether they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with HIV / AIDS stigma-related statements that asked about the community's response to people with HIV / AIDS and the experiences of HIV / AIDS patients within the community. Van Rie, A., Sengupta, S., Pungrassami, P., Balthip, Q., Choonuan, S., Kasetjaroen, Y., Strauss, R.P., Chongsuvivatwong, V. (2008). Measuring stigma associated with tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in southern Thailand: exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of two new scales. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 13(1): 21-30.
* HIV-positive
* HIV-negative
* Patients
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV-related stigma scale Three parallel stigma scales were developed to "assess personal views of stigma, stigma attributed to others, and internalized stigma experienced by HIV-infected individuals". Stigma mechanisms measured: Internalized stigma, anticipated stigma for infected women. Prejudice, discrimination - for uninfected community members. Visser, M. J., Kershaw, T., Makin, J. D., & Forsyth, B. W. C. (2008). Development of parallel scales to measure HIV-related stigma. AIDS and Behavior, 12(5), 759-771. All
* HIV-positive
* HIV-negative
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination in Developing Countries This scale with strong psychometric properties could easily be used in developing countries. The 23-item questionnaire with responses in the form of a 4-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree (coded as 4) to strongly disagree (coded as 1). The scale has three subscales: Shame/Blame/Social isolation, Perceived discrimination, Equity. Stigma mechanisms measured: prejudice, discrimination. Genberg, B. L., Kawichai, S., Chingono, A., Sendah, M., Chariyalertsak, S., Konda, K. A., Celentano, D.D. (2008). Assessing HIV/AIDS Stigma and Discrimination in Developing Countries. AIDS Behav, 12:772-780. English,
* HIV-negative
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

HIV-related stigma and knowledge in the united states: Prevalence and trends, 1991-1999. The survey protocol assessed multiple facets of stigma. Questions were included about "support for stigmatizing AIDS policies, support for mandatory testing, attributions of responsibility and blame to PWAs, beliefs about PWAs, affective responses to PWAs, and discomfort with and avoidance of PWAs in hypothetical situations." Stigma mechanisms measured: prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination. Herek, G. M., Capitanio, J. P., & Widaman, K. F. (2002). HIV-related stigma and knowledge in the united states: Prevalence and trends, 1991-1999. American Journal of Public Health, 92(3), 371-377. English
* HIV-negative
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Multidimensional Stigma Scale The scale measures perceptions of health care professionals towards PLWHA. The scale has 17 items and 5 factors- Discrimination Intent at Work, Opinion about Health Care for HIV/AIDS Patients, Prejudiced Attitudes, Internalized Shame, and Fear of PLWHA. Stigma mechanisms measured: discrimination, prejudice. Stein, J. A., & Li, L. (2008). Measuring HIV-related stigma among chinese service providers: Confirmatory factor analysis of a multidimensional scale. AIDS and Behavior, 12(5), 789-795. Chinese
* HIV-negative
* Medical providers
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Attitudes toward women with HIV/AIDS scale - ATWAS The scale contains 27 items and four factors - Child Care, Myths/Negative Stereotypes, Reproduction/Contraception issues, and Sympathy/Transmission Route. Stigma mechanisms measured: stereotypes, discrimination, prejudice. O'Hea, E. L., Sytsma, S. E., Copeland, A., & Brantley, P. J. (2001). The attitudes toward women with HIV/AIDS scale (ATWAS): Development and validation. AIDS Education and Prevention, 13(2), 120-130. English
* HIV-negative
* Students
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

General AIDS Knowledge Index Stigma items were derived from themes that emerged in the focus groups in response to probes about HIV-related stigma. There were six items with response options - yes/no. The questions reflect several aspects of expressed stigma - the desire to be secretive regarding HIV/AIDS, fear and avoidance, overestimation of risk, restrictive measures and denial of HIV. Stigma mechanisms measured: discrimination. Hamra, M., Ross, M. W., Orrs, M., & D'Agostino, A. (2006). Relationship between expressed HIV/AIDS-related stigma and HIV-beliefs/knowledge and behaviour in families of HIV infected children in kenya. Tropical Medicine & International Health, 11(4), 513-527.
* HIV-negative
* Caregivers
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

The Attitudes About AIDS (AAA) Scale Scale consists of 24 items scored on a 5-point Likert scale ranging from strongly agree (1) to strongly disagree (5); the instrument summarizes the degree of stigmatization evidenced toward persons with AIDS. Higher scores indicate less tendency to stigmatize. Trezza, G. R. (1994). HIV knowledge and stigmatization of persons with AIDS: Implications for the development of HIV education for young adults. Professional Psychology, Research and Practice, 25(2), 141-148. English
* HIV-negative
* Students
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

AIDS Talk Questionnaire Scale assessing how frequently one talks with another person about AIDS, and what topics they discuss. Lalljee, M., & Palmer-Canton, E. (2001). Communication and consistency: AIDS talk and AIDS attitudes. J Psychol, 135(1), 87-99. English
* HIV-negative
* Students
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

HIV/AIDS Stigma Scale 24-item scale with the four subscales : fear of transmission and disease; association with shame, blame and judgment; personal support of discriminatory actions or policies; perceived community support of discriminatory actions or policies. Zelaya, C. E., Sivaram, S., Johnson, S. C., Srikrishnan, A. K., Solomon, S., Celentano, D. D. (2008). HIV/AIDS Stigma: Reliability and Validity of a New Measurement Instrument in Chennai, India. AIDS Behav, 12: 781-788. English
* HIV-negative
* Men
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceptions and Concerns Related to HIV Stigma "Respondents were asked how much people with AIDS had been unfairly persecuted over the years-whether they face "a great deal" of unfair persecution, "some," "a little bit," or "no unfair persecution at all." Next, they were asked whether people with AIDS now face a great deal of unfair persecution, some, a little bit, or no unfair persecution at all." Stigma mechanisms measured: prejudice Herek, G. M., Capitanio, J. P., & Widaman, K. F. (2003). Stigma, social risk, and health policy: Public attitudes toward HIV surveillance policies and the social construction of illness. HEALTH PSYCHOLOGY-HILLSDALE-, 22(5), 533-540. English
* HIV-negative
* Elderly
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

AIDS-Related Stigma Scale "Although there has been progress in AIDS stigma research, there are no multi-item AIDS stigma scales that have been shown reliable and valid in Africa. The current research reports the development of the nine-item AIDS-Related Stigma Scale. The nine items were responded to dichotomously as either Agree or Disagree with responses scored to reflect endorsement of AIDS stigma." Stigma mechanisms measured: prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination. Kalichman, S. C., Simbayi, L. C., Jooste, S., Toefy, Y., Cain, D., Cherry, C., Kagee, A. (2005). Development of a Brief Scale to Measure AIDS-Related Stigma in South Africa. AIDS and Behavior, 9(2): 135-143. English,
* HIV-negative
* Elderly
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV Stigma Framework "This framework suggests that the social phenomenon of HIV stigma impacts individual PLWH via a series of HIV stigma mechanisms, which are distinct psychological responses to the knowledge that they possess a socially devalued characteristic. The HIV Stigma Framework proposes that PLWH experience the stigma mechanisms of internalized, anticipated, and enacted HIV stigma." Earnshaw, V. A., Smith, L. R., Chaudoir, S. R., Amico, K. R., & Copenhaver, M. M. (2013). HIV stigma mechanisms and well-being among PLWH: a test of the HIV stigma framework. AIDS and behavior, 17(5), 1785–1795. English, Spanish
/North America
* HIV-positive
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