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Stigma — This domain is scheduled to be updated summer 2022


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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV-related stigma scales used in Southern India There are four stigma assessments, 10 items each: Enacted stigma index (yes/no responses), Vicarious stigma (all items begin with the words, ''How often have you heard stories about...'', response options are on a 4-point scale that ranged from 0 (never) to 3 (frequently), Felt normative stigma scale (all item begin with the words, ''In your community,...''response options are on a 4-point scale that ranged from 0 (no one) to 3 (most people), Internalized stigma scale (all items begin with the words, ''How much do you feel...'' response options are a 4-point scale running from 0 (not at all) to 3 (a great deal). Steward, W. T., Herek, G. M., Ramakrishna, J., Bharat, S., Chandy, S., Wrubel, J., et al. (2008). HIV-related stigma: Adapting a theoretical framework for use in india. Social Science & Medicine, 67(8), 1225-1235. English
* HIV-negative
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV Stigma Scale "The 13-item HIV stigma scale can discriminate experiences of stigma in older adults." "An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) found 12 of the 13 items loaded cleanly into three subscales labeled as Distancing, Blaming, and Discrimination". Emlet, C. A. (2005). Measuring stigma in older and younger adults with HIV/AIDS: An analysis of an HIV stigma scale and initial exploration of subscales. Research on Social Work Practice, 15(4), 291. English
* HIV-positive
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV ⁄AIDS - related stigma scale in a developing world context Two sub-scales associated with both tuberculosis and HIV / AIDS stigma: community (11 items) and patient perspectives (10 items). Participants rated whether they strongly agreed, agreed, disagreed, or strongly disagreed with HIV / AIDS stigma-related statements that asked about the community's response to people with HIV / AIDS and the experiences of HIV / AIDS patients within the community. Van Rie, A., Sengupta, S., Pungrassami, P., Balthip, Q., Choonuan, S., Kasetjaroen, Y., Strauss, R.P., Chongsuvivatwong, V. (2008). Measuring stigma associated with tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS in southern Thailand: exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses of two new scales. Tropical Medicine and International Health, 13(1): 21-30.
* HIV-positive
* HIV-negative
* Patients
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV-related stigma scale Three parallel stigma scales were developed to "assess personal views of stigma, stigma attributed to others, and internalized stigma experienced by HIV-infected individuals". Stigma mechanisms measured: Internalized stigma, anticipated stigma for infected women. Prejudice, discrimination - for uninfected community members. Visser, M. J., Kershaw, T., Makin, J. D., & Forsyth, B. W. C. (2008). Development of parallel scales to measure HIV-related stigma. AIDS and Behavior, 12(5), 759-771. All
* HIV-positive
* HIV-negative
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Sayles Internalized HIV Stigma Scale The scale measures stigma experienced by diverse persons living with HIV/AIDS.It has 28 items and four subscales - stereotypes, disclosure concerns, social relationships, self-acceptance. Response options are on a 5-point categorical response scale (none of the time, a little of the time, some of the time, most of the time, or all of the time). Stigma mechanisms measured: enacted stigma, anticipated stigma, internalized stigma. Sayles, J. N., Hays, R. D., Sarkisian, C. A., Mahajan, A. P., Spritzer, K. L., & Cunningham, W. E. (2008). Development and psychometric assessment of a multidimensional measure of internalized HIV stigma in a sample of HIV-positive adults. AIDS and Behavior, 12(5), 748-758. English
* HIV-positive
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Internalized AIDS-related Stigma Scale The scale contains six items, response options are - agree and disagree. Stigma mechanisms measured: internalized stigma. Kalichman, S., Simbayi, L., Cloete, A., Mthembu, P., Mkhonta, R., & Ginindza, T. (2009). Measuring AIDS stigmas in people living with HIV/AIDS: The internalized AIDS-related stigma scale. AIDS Care, 21(1), 87-93. Xhosa,
* HIV-positive
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Measures of Stigma and the Social Impact of Disease Scale contains 24 items, Likert scale, from "strongly agree" to "strongly disagree". Examined four dimensions of perceived stigma: social rejection, internalized shame, social isolation, and financial insecurity. Stigma mechanisms measured: enacted stigma, anticipated stigma, internalized stigma. Fife, B. L., & Wright, E. R. (2000). The dimensionality of stigma: A comparison of its impact on the self of persons with HIV/AIDS and cancer. Journal of Health and Social Behavior,41(1) , 50-67. English
* HIV-positive
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Perceptions of Stigma of HIV-Positive Women Perceptions of Stigma of HIV-Positive Women has 13 items, yes/no questions. Stigma mechanisms measured: enacted stigma, anticipated stigma, internalized stigma. Sowell, R. L., Lowenstein, A., Moneyham, L., Demi, A., Mizuno, Y., Seals, B.F. (1997). Resources, Stigma, and Patterns of Disclosure in Rural Women with HIV Infection. Public Health Nursing, 14(5), 302-312. English
* HIV-positive
* Women
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Psychosocial differences between urban and rural people living with HIV/AIDS. AIDS Related Discrimination and Fear of Discovery Scale is a six-item scale that assesses AIDS-related discrimination (sample: 'How often do people display negative behavior toward you once they learn of your HIV/AIDS status?').and a separate six-item scale assessing personal fear that their HIV serostatus will be learned by others (sample: 'How often do you ask others to keep your HIV/AIDS status a secret?')" (p. 140). Heckman, T. G., Somlai, A. M., Kalichman, S. C., Franzoi, S. L., & Kelly, J. A. (1998). Psychosocial differences between urban and rural people living with HIV/AIDS. The Journal of Rural Health, 14(2), 138-145. English
* HIV-positive
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV/AIDS Stigma Instrument- PLWA (HASI-P) A 4-point Likert-type scale with response options 0_'never', 1_'once or twice', 2_'several times' and 3_'most of the time' was used. The scale factors included: Verbal Abuse (8 items, alpha 0.886); Negative Self- Perception (5 items, alpha 0.906); Health Care Neglect (7 items, alpha 0.832); Social Isolation (5 items, alpha 0.890); Fear of Contagion (6 items, alpha 0.795); and Workplace Stigma (2 items, alpha 0.758). Stigma mechanisms measured: discrimination. Holzemer, W. L., Uys, L. R., Chirwa, M. L., Greeff, M., Makoae, L. N., Kohi, T., et al. (2007). Validation of the HIV/AIDS stigma Instrument-PLWA (HASI-P). AIDS Care, 19(8), 1002-1012. The
* HIV-positive
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Concealment of homosexual identity, social support and CD 4 cell count among HIV-seropositive gay men. A 10-item questionnaire measuring the degree to which persons feel that their relationships are strained and that they are inhibited from talking about their stressor-related thoughts and feelings with others. Ullrich, P. M., Lutgendorf, S. K., & Stapleton, J. T. (2003). Concealment of homosexual identity, social support and CD 4 cell count among HIV-seropositive gay men. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 54(3), 205-212. English
* HIV-positive
* Men who have sex with men (MSM)
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Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

Berger HIV Stigma Scale An instrument to measure the stigma perceived by people with HIV, developed based on the literature on stigma and psychosocial aspects of having HIV. Berger, B. E., Ferrans, C. E., Lashley, F. R. (2001). Measuring Stigma in People with HIV: Psychometric Assessment of the HIV Stigma Scale. Research in Nursing & Health, 24: 518-529 English
* HIV-positive
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Enacted stigma (negatives)

Perceived or experienced stigma/discrimination (positives)

HIV Stigma Framework "This framework suggests that the social phenomenon of HIV stigma impacts individual PLWH via a series of HIV stigma mechanisms, which are distinct psychological responses to the knowledge that they possess a socially devalued characteristic. The HIV Stigma Framework proposes that PLWH experience the stigma mechanisms of internalized, anticipated, and enacted HIV stigma." Earnshaw, V. A., Smith, L. R., Chaudoir, S. R., Amico, K. R., & Copenhaver, M. M. (2013). HIV stigma mechanisms and well-being among PLWH: a test of the HIV stigma framework. AIDS and behavior, 17(5), 1785–1795. English, Spanish
/North America
* HIV-positive
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